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The 8th Annual ECLAS took place on April 20th, 2012. The main speaker was Prof. Klaus Schulten of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain. This year's theme was "The Computational Microscope Images, Biomolecular Machines and Biomedical Nanodevices ". The event attracted about 100 visitors from Emory, Georgia Tech, Georgia State, Kennesaw State and Georgia Southwestern Universities.

Other symposium speakers included:

  • James Taylor, Emory
  • Ilya Nemenman, Emory
  • Kurt Warncke, Emory
  • James Kindt, Emory

Two cash awards at $100 each were given for best posters.

The winners are:

Ana West, Emory University
Buddhadev Maiti, Georgia State University

The 7th ECLA symposium was held on April 27th, 2011 and featured a 2010 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Professor Ei-ichi Negishi of Purdue University. The theme was "Revolutionizing Strategies for the Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom Bond Formation: Interplay of Theory and Experiment". The one-day event took place at Harland Cinema, Dobbs University Center (DUC) on Emory campus.

Other symposium speakers included:

  • Lanny Liebeskind, Emory
  • Christopher Jones, Georgia Tech
  • Huw Davies, Emory
  • Peter Zhang, University of South Florida

Two cash awards for $100 each were given for best posters, and the winners were

Dr. V. Boyarskikh from Emory (Prof. H. Davies group)


Shirlene Jackson-Beckford from GSU (Prof. D. Dixon group)

The 6th annual 2009 ECLA symposium was a success, despite the inclement weather (heavy snow and freezing temperatures). More than 100 people, representing many local and regional schools, attended the lectures.

The 5th annual 2008 ECLA symposium went remarkably well, with over 100 people in attendance. Visitors came from the neighboring schools as well as regional universities, including Georgia Southwestern and Auburn. More conference photos.

The 2007 symposium, 4th annual, was another success. Over 120 people from many regional universities and colleges attended the opening lecture by the keynote speaker Prof. George Church of Harvard & MIT.


The 2006 Emerson Center Lectureship Award Symposium concluded successfully on April 3, 2006. About 100 people attended both the oral presentation sessions and the poster sessions. Among the 30 poster presentations, two cash awards for $100 each was awarded to this year's best posters, and the winners are Mr. Thomas Caulfield of Georgia Tech and Dr. Andrea Catte of Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham.
Congratulations to Tom and Andrea!

The Award Winner/Keynote Speaker for this year's symposium is Prof. Martin Karplus, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Harvard University and Director, Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory, Universite Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. We are delighted that Prof. Karplus has accepted our invitation and will present a lecture on "How Proteins Work: Insights from Simulations" at our one-day symposium. Check on our Symposium Announcement for details.
Other symposium speakers include:
(Please click on title for abstracts)

  • Prof. Stephen C. Harvey (Biology, Georgia Tech.): The Challenges of Modeling Very Large Systems: Applications to Viruses
  • Prof. Dieter Jaeger (Biology, Emory University): Simulating Single Neurons Faithfully: How to Find Valid Solutions in a Very Large Parameter Space
  • Prof. David G. Lynn (Chemistry & Biology, Emory University): Protein Self-Assembly: Predicting Form and Function
  • Prof. Kurt Warncke (Physics, Emory University): Combining Computation and Experiment to Reveal the Molecular Mechanism of Radical Catalysis in B12 Enzymes
  • Prof. Ying Xu (Biochem. & Mol. Biology, University of Georgia): Computational Prediction of Biological Networks in Microbes

The second annual Emerson Center Lectureship Award Symposium was a great success. Over 100 people attended the morning poster sessions and the afternoon oral presentations. Two cash awards for $100 each was awarded to this year's best posters, and the winners are Martina Kaledin of Emory University and Burcu Bakir of Georgia Tech.

The Award Winner/Keynote Speaker for the 2005 symposium was Prof. George Oster, a prominent scholar and professor of cell & developmental biology and of environmental science, policy and management at the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Oster's lecture was on the “Myxobacteria Motors and Morphogenesis”. Check on our Symposium Announcement for details.
Other symposium speakers included:

  • Prof. Mark Borodovsky (Georgia Tech, Biology), Modeling &
    Recognition of Functionally Important Regions in Biomolecular Sequences
  • Prof. George Hentschel (Emory, Physics), The Morphogenesis of Skeletal Pattern Formation in the Vertebrate Limb
  • Prof. Bruce Levin (Emory, Biology), The Role of Mathematical & Lesser Models in Experimental Population & Evolutionary Biology
  • Dr. James Snyder (Emory, Chemistry), Cytoskeletal Proteins, Molecular Motors & the Action of Small Molecules

The Award Winner/Keynote Speaker for the 2004 symposium was Dr. William A. Goddard, III, internationally recognized professor of chemistry and applied physics of California Institute of Technology. His talk highlighted some recent advances in methodology and illustrated them with recent applications to problems involving Proteins, DNA, Polymers, Ceramics, Metals, Semiconductors, and Catalysis.


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